Jordan Domany Top Runner

Jordan Domany is one of the most improved runners on the boys 2020 cross country team. Last season, his freshman year, he was on the boys JV team. This year, Jordan was consistently on varsity for all of his races. His first race as a freshman against TK at Caledonia, his time was 18:54.9. The first meet against Rockford at Caledonia this year, Jordan shaved off almost an entire minute, with his time being at 17:55.9. His freshman year, his race times were not very consistent, and for the most part, they were all over the place. Jordan’s times were randomly in the high 18’s and in the high 17’s. This season however, Jordan started off in the high 17’s but quickly cut down his times. After about a month into the races, his time dropped into the 16’s. His race against Hudsonville at Caledonia his time was 17:41.8. After that meet is when he stayed in the 16’s. The next race against West Ottawa at Caledonia, his time was 16:42.3. Jordan said, “I just knew I could go faster, so I did. I had been training and pushing myself with workouts so I was able to run a lot faster.” It also helps that he ran all throughout the summer. When asked why he thought he improved so much he said, “Because I trained and worked really hard during the summer.” He started running every day for cross country starting in May. He would meet with a couple of other cross country boys early in the morning while it was still relatively cool, to get a workout in. His total summer mileage was a total of 536 miles. On average, he ran at least 5 miles a day. Jordan also ran track his freshman year in the spring to stay in shape. 

Jordan had his personal record this year at the cross country state meet, held at the Michigan International Speedway. His best time was 16 minutes and 3 seconds. In the beginning of the season, Jordan and the varsity team had the goal to win regionals and make it to states. Many of them were also hoping to win the state meet, but they fell a little short to Romeo High School who was ranked first in the state, and placed second. Jordan was excited and a little nervous at states because this was his first year beginning on varsity and therefore, being at states. Since the team had the goal of winning states, many of them had their personal record or a seasonal record. Jordan said, “I ran as fast as I could because I knew that if we wanted to beat Romeo I had to get a personal record along with other people on my team.” Even though they did not win states, Jordan was still proud of himself and the team. He was satisfied with his new personal record and also the team being second in the state, “I really wasn’t that disappointed in not winning states because we still got second place which I think is pretty impressive. It was really just a fun experience being with the boys and being at the huge race track.” Jordan thinks the boys team has a pretty good chance of winning states next year. The boys varsity team will only be losing Jamin Thompson next season because he is a senior and will be graduating. “If everyone keeps training like we did this summer and season all our times should keep going down.” 

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