Who will be Contact Traced Next?

Virtually learning. As Covid forces schools to close down and send kids home, online learning is the new normal. This is a quick glimpse into a typical google meet where kids are quarantined.
(Chelsea Prebil)

At Caledonia High school, Covid lingers throughout our community and has become a part of daily life. During the month of November, there has been an increasing number of people sent home due to coming in contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus. For myself, I was even contacted from one of my classes, and staying home for 2 weeks is the worst. Especially considering this year has consisted of plenty at home time. However, this problem is inevitable and unstoppable, the opinions of people who have been sent home following. When asked what were some of the initial thoughts and feelings of some of the people who have been contacted recently, Tyler Remick a senior, stated, “My initial feeling when I got sent home was disappointed, this is because it took things away from my life such as going to work and seeing all my friends. It kind of put me into a slump.” Ella Trudeau, a junior reflected, “I was kind of mad when I had to go home but it’s fine now since everyone is at home”. Although students are not happy about being sent home from school, it also affects them in other aspects of their life. Such as not being able to go to work, hang out with friends, or see family. Finally, another senior, Cameron Downer, explains the time he was contact traced stating, “I was mad since I had just gotten back to school from online”. Students aren’t happy about this sudden change in their lifestyle, however, everyone understands that it is for the best, when maintaining safety in our community. 

All this time at home, what is there to do to make the time go by? Obviously, there is school work to do, since students have access to BrightSpace at any time. Although when contact is traced, students are supposed to stay home and limit contact with anyone. Senior Cameron Downer says, “I really liked watching TikTox but they also kinda distracted me from doing my schoolwork, so I don’t know if that was really a good option.” In addition, Ella says, “Working out was definitely what I did in order to pass the time.” Bailey Callaway, who was also contacted in November says, “Watching movies and online shopping were my go to activities.” Since there was so much going on in our community these past few months with Covid, the amount of people who were affected by the pandemic is increasing. Although students at Caledonia were not pleased with being sent home, there is always a bright side. Whether it be focusing on yourself, or completing a project. As well as the fact that this is a precaution in order to keep our families safe. Everyone is hoping that our lives will be back to normal soon and this will help us.

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