Losing to Win

Caledonia High School boy’s wrestling season lasts from November to February.  However, the preparation for the season is much more brutal than some people may think. Most wrestlers on the teamwork hard to be a certain weight throughout the season, in order to be put into a designated weight class when they compete at their matches. This is a winning strategy used so they have an advantage over their opponent. When being in a certain weight class, this can ensure that the wrestler can win. Senior Isaac Noyes said “With a limited amount of wrestlers, everyone has to contribute to the team. I have to lose seven to eight pounds because the team needs someone to wrestle at 145.” Since he is so dedicated to his team, Isaac also said, “In the mornings I have a spoon full of yogurt, and depending on weighing days I’ll have a little bit of lunch.” Similar to Isaac, senior Jonah Siekman is struggling with the same thing. He said, “I started out at 152 pounds and I have to get down to about 135 pounds. Right now I only eat a little bit of school lunch with no breakfast or dinner.” Both wrestlers agreed that the hardest part of their extreme diets was drinking a limited amount of water. Jonah said, “The hardest part [about] going into a workout day or a match is being so dehydrated, it makes it harder to work as hard as I need to.” Whether they don’t eat breakfast or only drink one bottle of water, Isaac and Jonah are dedicated to their team, it’s a sacrifice they are both willing to make. When asked what the best part of quitting their diet is, Isaac said, “The best part for me is just being able to eat a ton.” Likewise, Jonah said, “At the end of the season, it’s worth it because the food tastes so much better and you just feel really accomplished with all the hard work you put into the season.” Dedication is part of what makes a team so great, without it success is hard to reach.  


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